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Celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary Earth Day During the Pandemic

This is a milestone Earth Day, and communities across the globe have an opportunity to join in and celebrate while still limited by the COVID-19 personal mandates.

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the 1970 birth of the modern environmental movement. Exact Solar welcomes any and all to join us on April 22, 2020 for the historic, first time digital celebration! At the bottom of every page, you will see a link that will be active on April 22. Come back and click it to tune into Earth Day live online.

Just a sampling of what we will enjoy:

global conversations
calls to action
video teach-ins
participation from Pope Francis and Poet Laureate Joy Harjo
and more

This year’s theme will be climate action.

While sharing the spirit of Earth Day with the global community will be the highlight of this year’s celebration, none of us are limited to this during the pandemic. Here are just a few ideas our team has come up with to actively celebrate:

  • Donate to funds that support Pennsylvania and New Jersey farms and food organizations.
  • Begin to make your home energy conservation plans. Develop your strategy to turn off lights and unneeded devices to minimize energy usage, which is beneficial for the environment but also economic.
  • Start your garden at home. It’s springtime, after all.
  • Plan plant-based meals.
  • Find more ways to conduct business online just like this, and eliminate some travel.

Look for more ways to participate this year – check out this Earth Day at Home Guide.

And without a doubt you’ll get even more and better ideas from these special digital events. Hope to see you online!

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