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Consider solar energy as a springtime home improvement

Yardley Voice/Newtown Gazette – With fresh snow on the ground after the March time change, we start daydreaming about the arrival of spring. It is a time to start sprucing up the outside of the house, gardening and landscaping. Springtime home improvement is upon us!

One thing that winter’s harshness and spring’s showers often highlight is the need to focus on the top of your home. As roofing ages, it requires more attention and more repairs. It is the best time to also consider if you are ready to install a solar energy system.

A key selling point for rooftop solar is lower utility payments. Your solar investment gets returned with each bit of energy you generate rather than buy. What is often overlooked is the added home value you can bank as potential equity or at the sale of your home.

Increasing your home’s value by installing a solar energy system is no longer a hypothetical promise. Thanks to research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, there is evidence from nearly a decade of home sales data across the country that indicates people spend more for homes that already have a system installed.

Some highlights are specifically good news for Pennsylvania. In sales of 365 homes in the study of the Mid-Atlantic region, 77 were solar homes, which sold at a premium, on average.

PA Home Sales Solar Premium
Solar Energy Systems bring a Premium to PA Home Prices

After doing the math, study authors are confident that even smaller systems are valued by buyers and can add $10,000 to a sale. Buyers value reduced or nearly zero energy costs and the chance to save money over time.

Interestingly, buyers of existing homes value it more than those of new homes as seen in slightly higher premiums. This doesn’t mean that every homeowner should invest in solar. But while you are thinking about home improvements after the thaw, why not take a look?

Those who have gone solar get a reward with every utility bill. Remember increased home value as you consider your options. When you’re ready for your solar springtime home improvement, Exact Solar is here to help!

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