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Weather Spotlights Solar Plus Storage Value

For the people of coastal Texas, we hope for a speedy recovery from the ravages of Hurricane Harvey. It is a reminder of what our New Jersey neighbors had to experience and learn from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. With both there are lessons in coping with the lingering misery of a storm’s aftermath. Once the weather returned to seasonal normal, many people were still without power.

Operating a rooftop solar energy system has long been considered the best way to start down the path of energy independence and to reduce your electricity costs for decades to come. These systems require connection to an active, live grid. With solar plus battery storage, energy independence takes on a new dimension. Whether during the storm or afterwards, the homeowner can maintain critical needs when the grid is down. Portable devices like cell phones can remain charged. Key appliances like your refrigerator or water heater can continue to serve you. Some lights can stay active during these periods. Power is available for important needs like communication and for convenience, such as operating a fan.

A properly designed solar plus storage system gives homeowners a shot at somewhat normal living after a storm without having to abandon the house. Routines will change to match limited energy availability. Once the sun shines afterwards, and it always does, families can continue comfortable, basic living until full service is restored. And most importantly, a solar plus storage system is saving just as much money each month through reduced power bills.

For those who must rebuild after a storm, having backup power is of little use. But to the many others who otherwise must live in a home without power for days upon days, a solar energy system with battery storage is quickly becoming an affordable remedy. Families may stay home and live with the essentials after a storm.

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