For many homeowners, there is no faster and more sure way to save the most money while protecting the environment than installing a rooftop solar energy system. Yet, in a few instances a home may not be physically suitable for solar power. Although it is getting rarer as prices fall, for some families solar energy may not be a budget priority.
Good News for PECO and PPL Customers
For over two decades, ratepayers in Pennsylvania have access to a deregulated energy market. By design, deregulation provides retail access to consumers who want to shop for a new electric supplier different from their utility. Shopping leads to savings.
Shopping is made easier through online price comparisons. Make Ben Proud is one such site, which is geared primarily towards helping buyers to include clean energy in their energy savings plan. This is a non-profit organization focused on making big strides in combating climate change and providing unbiased consumer education information on top of supplier shopping.
We encourage those Pennsylvania homeowners that cannot realize huge savings and independence through installing a solar energy system to check out this marketplace. You will find this website to be structured just for Pennsylvania ratepayers, and loaded with background information. Keep a few suggestions in mind:
- Finding an alternate supplier will not equal the savings you can realize through acquiring your own solar energy system. However, it is the next best option for limited homeowners, and especially for renters.
- Prices reflect only the cost of the power, and not any of the other delivery charges, fees, and taxes that your utility will still be required to collect.
- Each clean energy supplier has their own set of terms. Some terms may be common, others may be unique, so pay careful attention. Sign-up fees, cancellation fees, and contract duration terms are examples of ways that each supplier configures their packages differently. Be sure to look for and track these as you compare.
Reminder: These recommendations apply to homeowners that may be limited and unable to install a solar energy system as well as renters. For those who are able to go solar, keeping PECO as your supplier is important in order to maintain the valuable Net Metering service. This maximizes your benefits. If you are able to go solar but defer to the future, remember that while choosing a clean energy supplier above is a great option today, once you do go solar you must return to a utility for this Net Metering benefit.
Exact Solar is committed to making a positive environmental impact and helping our Pennsylvania community at every opportunity. We hope those who can benefit will check out their clean energy options.