Solar PV systems are rated by their peak electricity production during sunny hours, with a 3 kW system generating 3 kWh between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Monthly production is estimated by multiplying the system size by 130, resulting in around 390 kWh for a 3 kW system. However, production varies based on panel tilt, orientation, and sensitivity to shade.
Solar PV systems are highly customizable and can be adjusted to fit your budget and available roof space. This means you can choose to start small and expand later, with systems costing less than ever before! The cost of your system will depend on the installation’s complexity before factoring in rebates and incentives. If you’re ready to get your free estimate, click here!
In the last few years, solar energy systems have become more accessible than ever before, thanks to a significant drop in their prices. Today, these systems are more affordable than they have ever been, making it easier for homeowners and businesses alike to harness the power of the sun and reduce their energy costs.
Solar panels collect molecules of sunshine, which are little packets of energy, and convert them into DC electric current.
DC to AC Inverter converts the direct current (DC) generated by a solar panel into alternating current (AC), that can be used to power appliances in your home.
Once the current generated by your solar panels has been converted from DC to AC, it can then be used to power your lights and appliances (AC Loads).
Your home solar power system can actually cause your electric meter to spin backwards through a process called net metering. When your system produces more electricity than you are consuming, it feeds the excess electricity into the main power grid and you earn credit on your electric bill.
Once electricity generated by your residential solar power system is directed onto the power grid, it can then be used by someone else and adds to the overall total of kilowatt hours produced by a clean and renewable energy source (in this case, the Sun!) The power grid will also supply you with electricity during those times you are consuming more than your system is producing.
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