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Exact Solar’s Total Energy Impact

Since Exact Solar’s founding in 2005, we have been progressively increasing our solar installations each year. Using the data that we have compiled over the past 10 years for the Top Solar Contractors award with Solar Power World, we have analyzed the numbers to calculate the total energy impact we have had in our service area.

One of the benefits of solar panels is their ability to consistently generate clean energy over a 25 to 30 year period before requiring replacement.

We have divided our report into three sections: 

  1. Our Total Solar Capacity: The amount of solar energy we have installed.
  2. Our Impact Over Time: The total amount of clean energy generated by the installed solar panels over time.
  3. Our Total Impact: How the kWh generated by our systems over time impacts the surrounding area.

Our Total Solar Capacity 

Exact Solar has installed 13,680 kW (13.6 MW) of solar capacity over the past 10 years, including installation data in 2024.

Based on a conservative estimate of 2,857 350-watt solar panels per megawatt, we’ve deployed almost 39,000 solar panels across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Our local employees installed each panel across more than 2,000 projects. This initiative has not only contributed to the development of clean energy, but has also allowed us to give back to our community.

We’re genuinely proud of what we’ve accomplished. Nearly 39,000 panels were installed with the same care and craftsmanship that has earned us over 400 five-star reviews.

Our Impact Over Time

Since solar panels generate power for 25 to 30 years, the total energy impact of each system we install increases over time. For example, a system we installed eleven years ago—when we first began tracking data for Solar Power World—has generated significantly more clean energy than one installed just last year.

The table shown illustrates the year-over-year growth in total power generation. We’ve excluded systems installed in 2024, as some are still awaiting approval and have yet to produce substantial power.

Given that our average 10kW system generates 13,000 kWh annually, we’ve used the following formula to estimate the total energy produced since installation:

Total energy produced since installation = (kW installed in year 𝑥) × 1,300 × (years since installation)

While we do not have exact data for 2005 to 2012, our records suggest that we installed over 1,100 kW of solar capacity during our initial eight years of operation. Using the same formula, we estimate that these systems have generated at least 21,000,000 kWh over the past 19 years. Since we lack detailed records from that time, we have opted not to include this estimate in our graphs.

Our Total Impact  

Using the EPA’s Gas Equivalencies Calculator, which measures the CO2 offset by kWh of renewable energy generated, we’ve calculated that the solar panels we’ve installed have already offset—or will offset—49,441 tons of carbon. This is equivalent to:

  • 48,430,961 pounds of coal not burned for energy
  • 2,961,017,442 smartphone charging cycles
  • The energy usage of 10,675 gas-powered vehicles for one year
  • The electricity usage of 5,849 homes for one year
  • 15,574 tons of waste diverted from landfills
  • 741,641 trees planted and grown for ten years
  • Carbon sequestration equal to 52,367 acres of American forest in one year
  • Preservation of 288 acres of forest from conversion to cropland

(For more details on how these numbers are calculated, offers a comprehensive explanation.)

We’re beginning to see the snowball effect of our efforts. Each year, we’re entrusted with installing larger and more complex systems.

At Exact Solar, we’re deeply committed to reducing carbon emissions and promoting the benefits of renewable energy to future generations. We believe advocacy begins at home, which is why we’ve installed a solar system on our office and warehouse to offset our own energy usage.

Our Growth Over Time 

In 2021, as founders Mark and Dara Bortman prepared for retirement, they entrusted Exact Solar’s future to its current president, Doug Edwards. The following year, under new leadership, we more than doubled our solar installations. In 2023, we continued this upward trend with even greater accomplishments.

Each year, our skills in solar installation have grown, allowing us to tackle more complex projects. We’ve recently embarked on our first project exceeding 1 MW.

We’re on track to install over 3,000 kW by the end of 2024, setting the stage for another record-breaking year.

Create Your Own Energy Impact Study 

If you’re interested in performing a similar energy audit for yourself or your organization, makes it easy with their Gas Equivalencies Calculator!

You’ll be guided to enter relevant information, such as the number of gasoline-powered vehicles or gallons of gasoline used. For our purposes, we entered “kilowatt hours avoided” to calculate the fossil fuels offset by our renewable installations.

Once you’ve entered your data, simply click “convert data,” and you’ll be off to the races!

Ready to Go Solar? 

If you’re excited about the opportunity to make a meaningful environmental impact, it might be the perfect time to explore solar energy for your home.

Our team of solar experts are ready to show you how much you could save with solar. With 19 years of experience, we’re ready to answer your questions and support you in making the best choice for your home or business. Get started today with a free consultation!

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