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Clean Energy a Priority for Jobs and the Environment

Since our inception, Exact Solar has been dedicated to being good environmental stewards through advocacy and participation in addition to offering clean energy energy solutions that reduce demand for polluting power generation while saving the buyers a lot of money. The COVID-19 pandemic has not changed our priorities, and in fact we join with many in business and in government who are convinced that our local and national economic recovery benefits greatly from a reinvigorated focus on clean energy.

The role of clean energy in a recovery is reinforced by the declining costs (measured as Levelized Cost of Energy) which have brought renewables to par with fossil fuels, and in some cases, it is even cheaper.

However, we are promoting all forms of clean energy for reasons beyond costs – the clean energy economy offers more jobs that pay significantly above average wages while reducing power generation related emissions, vital for the economic health of our community today and the physical health and well-being for all decades into the future.

At the national level, a July passage in the House of an infrastructure bill brings an increased priority for climate action which includes significant clean energy investments and even greater transportation spending, all aimed at greenhouse gas reductions. Most encouraging for us is how our priority has been shared and stressed by more major corporations – recognized brands and huge energy buyers like McDonald’s and Unilever recently issued a letter to Congress asking lawmakers to invest in and ensure the viability of the renewable energy sector.

Locally and more importantly, there is a bipartisan effort underway in the Pennsylvania legislature to improve on existing state energy policies as a major part of a job stimulus and economic development plan. Proposals include consequential changes to the state’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) which target the market-based Alternative Energy Credits (AEC) – and that in turn equally benefits homeowners, businesses, and utilities that invest in renewables.

Exact Solar is operating safely today to protect the health of our customers, staff, and community, while also not losing sight of the importance of our collective future.

We encourage others to join us in pursuit of a clean energy based pandemic recovery – and suggest reaching out to your local elected officials to have your voice be heard.

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