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Exact Solar Makes People and Planet a Priority

Exact Solar has served the local community, people and planet, for over a decade, delivering quality solar electric and solar thermal systems that generate financial savings, while improving quality of life.

Our full mission is large, and while our focus is usually on clean energy and environmental policy implementation and advocacy, our goal always is to be proactive in bringing about positive community and global change, both environmental and social, to leave the world a better place for future generations.

Being good environmental stewards is a critical part of improving the lives of the most disadvantaged members of our communities and now, more than ever, it has become evident that fighting for environmental and energy justice is intricately connected with the fight for economic and social justice.

Poor and vulnerable communities overwhelmingly live where toxic exposures are highest, dirty air causes endemic health issues, and people lack consistent and equitable access to quality healthcare, green spaces, and healthful food.

The COVID-19 pandemic further shines light on the importance of reducing respiratory problems that weaken people’s defenses, and it makes the transition to clean energy and the slowing of climate change vital to help these hardest hit populations first and foremost,

We are determined to not let the life changing nature of the virus, distract from our ultimate mission to make our part of the global community safer, healthier, and more equitable and just for everyone.

That is why our specific response to the COVID-19 pandemic is so important, and it is why we are committed to a changed protocol which maintains the safety of our entire staff as well as every customer and friend we encounter.

  • We continue to communicate with customers and suppliers remotely as much as we can.
  • To keep our valued field crews productive, we follow the letter of the law for social distancing and hygiene, which includes personal protection and increased cleansing.
  • No entry into any customer’s home is allowed without asking permission and confirming that all parties are and have been healthy, and our crews will only enter when access is critical to a project.

We are prepared and equipped to continue making strides in improving the lives of our neighbors and the world’s citizens while being good citizens ourselves through protecting the health of each and every person in our sphere.

See this article on the Yardley Voice website.

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